This has been a pretty interesting week. I could tell you a whole bunch of personal shit, but I'm not going to do that. Let's start with the bar exam.
I passed. I figured I had failed, because I start from the presupposition that I fail everything. This makes for a pleasant surprise when I am wrong about things, and in this area, I am wrong a lot, thank god, and protects me from a nervous breakdown in the event that I fail and I was RIGHT to think I failed. Anyway, I passed. I'll get sworn in soon and then I have to become, like an adult or something.
Adulthood sucks. Suddenly, I have to pay my student loans back and I have to WORK and be a lawyer and WORK. And until I pay off the loan monkey that's about all I'm going to think about. I always figured by the time I was this age, I would have become a published author, and the writer of some FUCKIN AWESOME BOOKS, and I would be sort of famous and wear big sunglasses and speak in an affected accent of indeterminate origin.
Yet this has not happened. Okay, I do have an affected tone though.
Possibly because I lack follow through, but it's easier to blame law school and discuss how it killed my creativity, man. Bitch, please. The Public Defender Clinic alone gave me enough matierial to write a book, but I'd probably get sued and you gotta take those sunglasses off in court, right?
Tonight, I am watching the tv. I watched a horrible show called My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, which sort of made me want to puke. There was a 14 year old who met some kid who was like 15 and I can tell they will probably end up getting married in later episodes. What did this pimply faced Romeo have to recommend him? A cell phone I think. That appeared to be it. The gypsy girls aren't even allowed to kiss a boy until they are married. Think of how young you were when you had that first kiss. If you were a boy, how hard you worked for it, and if you are a girl, think of how long you dreamed about. Don't fucking lie to yourself. You dreamed about it. A lot. Seriously, you're conditioned to, we were all raised on fairy tales, and shitty movies like Dirty Dancing (This baby---for the record---totally needs to be put in the corner).
So imagine not being allowed to kiss until you tied the knot. Not just have sex, whoa nelly, that's out of the question completely. So, naturally, when the boys and girls get together, there's a ton of pressure. And they showed a clip of the 14 year old, obviously overcome by her hormones (takes one to know one, sis) and she tells the camera, or the dipshit producer or whomever, about how she doesn;t want to go out and earn her own money, and she wants to be a housewife, and have a man take care of her. Dude, what standerd of living can you expect anyway? Do the gypsies go to college? Anyway, I was thinking if I said something like that, my dad might have hauled off and smacked me.
For the record, I did not grow up in a house where mom and dad beat me and my sister. I remember being spanked once when I was five for running into the street. dad came more from the school of psychological terrorism, he would make us stand against the wall.
But dad wouldv'e smacked me for saying some shit like that. I saw a little girl espouse a similar belief on another reality show and I had a similar thought. I think this is how I ended up in law school and not a sister wife, though (thanks dad).
Anyway, I was just trying to kill some time until David tutera comes on. I'm not even interested in weddings. Good thing none of my friends are really marriageble. Pack of alpha bitches. Thank god for the alpha bitches.
So that's it for now. I'm looking at a place to rent on Tuesday and I'll probably write some shit and maybe post a pic or something.
Kiss Kiss Meow Meow
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