Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Turned Down For a Job...Again

Came home from a day in town, where I did not buy anything, because I have no job and no money, to find a rejection letter from a position I applied for as a receptionist.  I'm apparently not quite what they were looking for.  This is what comes of claiming to be a law student, instead of a law grad I guess?  I was also rejected by Jackson National Life for two jobs.  I'm hoping the ones I've applied for in Mt. Pleasant go better.  Lansing doesn't want me.

I'm going shopping at IKEA on Friday with my mom and sister, and had to ask my dad for shopping money.  I wish I had never gone to law school.

But maybe I will get a job doing something lawyery again.  I'm only 27, and that degree will last for the rest of my life right?

Kiss Kiss Meow Meow,

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